Sunday, 27 January 2013

Guest Post! Kel and her 'fluffy nails'

Hi, I'm Kel and I usually blog over at
I was honoured when Anna asked me to write her a guest post, as she is one the coolest people I have met through blogging.

I'm a very indecisive person, so when trying to come up with a subject for a guest post I was at a bit of a loss, until I saw Anna ask on twitter if anyone had done a review of the MUA fur-effect nails. It seemed like the perfect answer, and gave me the perfect opportunity to try them out!

The fur-effect nail pots are available in five different colours, and I picked up the pale pink 'fluffy puff' from my local Superdrug. The fur-effect works by sticking to wet nail varnish so I thought it would be best to team it with a similar colour, in this case Essie's Mini How High.

The instructions do say one of the ways of working this is to tap some of the nail fluff into the sifter lid (one of those internal lids things with holes in), but I could not get anything through those holes, not even by turning it upside down and shaking it. The best course of action I found was to just stick your wet nail straight into the pot.

This approach, as you can see below, gives a very fluffy nail effect, fun but not particularly practical or attractive (though it does look a lot like candy floss, which isn't to worst thing in the world!) However if you wait a couple of minutes until the polish is fully dry then gently rub off the excess you should be left with nice, neat but fuzzy nails. 

'Fur' isn't really the right word, I's say 'nail fuzz' is more accurate - it reminds me of the Fuzzy Felt I used to play with as as kid. It's a strange effect, but not as awkward as I imagine something like the MUA constellation beads to be - with this you can put your hands in your pockets, root through your bag, wash your hands and do all manner of day to day nail things without really worrying about the negative effects on your nails. I had mine on a couple of days and while they might have got slightly less fluffy, this was quite evenly spread - I didn't end up with any bald patches or anything like that. It was more just a more from feeling like fuzzy-felt to feeling like well-worn velvet. They did start to look a little grubby after a couple of days but I think this may have been avoided with one of the darker coloured variants. 

The fur effect fluff takes a bit more getting off then normal nail polish, but only around the same lines as most glitter polishes, nothing too crazy. 
As well as looking a bit different, I love the feel of these and would often find myself just stroking the backs of my nails - it was so strange for them to feel so soft! For me, my personal enjoyment of this tactile experience made this little pot of fluff well worth the £2 they are currently going for in Superdrug


  1. these look really cool &different! love it :-)



    1. Thankyou, it's great isn't it? really tempted to get it x

  2. Omg such a strange effect! haha xx

  3. so cool!! You could do those at Easter and do bunny nails! so cute x

  4. that looks so cool! love the colour!

  5. I found your blog from the #bbloggers chat & am now following!(:

    1. thanks paige!! I already follow you after your amazing giveaway x

  6. Hi, new to your blog!! it looks good although I am still not keen on wearing it myself. love your blog btw. is my blog incase you wanted to check it out :D xxx

    1. thznks charlotte, and everyone has a different opinion, but i see where you're coming from, it's a very unique thing that some people might be afraid to try :)

  7. I'm giving these away in my current giveaway!
    They're so odd aren't they, but I love them! :)

    1. thanks Danielle! I'll make sure to check it out:)

  8. Hi Anna! Just wanted to say thanks for letting me guest post for you! I had lots of fun playing with my nail fluff :)
    Anytime you would like to write a post for my blog I'd love to have you :)
    Kel x

    1. Aw you're very welcome, I'm glad to have you, and thanks!xx

  9. Wow! these are so strange.

    Stopping by from Sunday's #bbloggers chat.
