Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Serious Business, How to cope with blog mockers in school

Hi Everyone!
So I met someone on twitter recently, who had been having trouble with people mocking her about her blog, and since I've experienced this as a blogger, and I'm sure lots of teenagers have/are/or will experience this, so I thought I'd give you my story of sorts, and what I did about it!!

My Story:

So some of my followers might realise that I started my blog almost 7-8 months now! I know, feels like yesterday, but anyway. I was quite open about it, so as soon as I started a swarm of bloggers were born in my year, about 5 to be precise, and we all loved being bloggers! But a lot of them were getting grief, it was a shame because they were rising bloggers, and I loved talking about it with them, it made me gain a lot of new friends. But then there was someone who followed my account on twitter from my school and started reading my blog. Then they watched my movies, and before I knew it, I was being swarmed by a lot of people asking me why I put myself on here, and making fun of the things I wrote, even my twitter username! But you know what? I got past that, and to this day I'm the only blogger left because everyone else was bullied out of blogging. I don't want to see this happen to any of my twitter teenage blogger & you tuber friends, and I thought it would be good to give you tips on how to ignore, or avoid being mocked.


  • If you're not entirely sure if you want to start a you tube account, wait a couple years till people in your year have matured, and if you still are unsure of it, maybe create a different account for your videos, make them private, and when you're ready, put one on at a time!
  • If you are experiencing people who are mocking you, act as if you don't care, don't take it down or make sure that only your followers can see it, act as if you don't care, and eventually they will go away and find someone else to bother, surely their will be the occasional joke, making fun of what you've written, but if you just stick at that act, even though it will hurt, and trust me it might, they WILL eventually go away.
  • Also, if they do something mega offensive, just walk away, it might be hard at first, but just.walk.away. they will give up!

Thanks for reading, and I hope this has helped YOU if you're going through a rough patch x


  1. Aw, this a really good helpful post!
    I'm actually friends with holliesblog and we have both just experienced the same problem at our school :(
    Sadly, I've stopped youtube and blog but I will be back aha:')

    Anyways, great post and I love your blog!xxxx

    1. Aw thankyou Gracie, that means a lot and I hope you get a chance to start your blog again x

  2. Hi Anna,
    Thank you for this post - it's really well written and has great advice.
    It's fantastic that you're keeping it up and everything you've said is right.
    Keep up the fantastic work and, as the blog mockers will go away, you'll see that you'll get more and more people who love this site!

    Best wishes,
    Kieron (on behalf of Barratts)

    1. Thankyou so much, I really appreciate it!!

  3. Aww, this is cute and helpful. Keep going!


    1. Aw thankyou, and I will! They're not gonna get rid of me that easily;)

  4. Well done on this post Anna!
    You're right in saying they'll give it up once they grow up :) A lot of people who lack in confidence think that making others feel bad will make them feel better and it's just not the case. You have a great blog and it's great to hear that you're keeping it up!

    Lana, xo

    1. Thankyou lana, yes they will mature in the end hopefully!!

  5. This post is so great and helpful! I've been worrying about when everyone at my school finds out I have a blog and how they will react but this has really given me the confidence to tell everyone and not worry.

    1. Aw, I'm very glad Chloe!! Good luck with your blog x

  6. People can be so mean! People who mock bloggers are jealous, they seriously need to get a life. Well said and fantastic post! X


    1. Thankyou, and yes they do just need to grow up and go away!!

  7. Not sure why people are mean sometimes, no matter bbloggers stick together haha lovely post!

    Miranda M. | Pretty Squared http://prettysquared.blogspot.com/

  8. This is such a good post! My blogs only new but i hope to share it with a few friends...then facebook. I hope people are possitive about it :)

  9. When i was at school I got loads of stick as I was a photographer and did photos at gigs and for bands. They said I was a groupie and was sleeping with everyone.
    Now they've all grown up they are now jealous that I was headstrong and actually started my career (or something similar) way before they had even thought about a future.

    Completely admire you for sticking to this! Hope that you get to go far in the blogging world.

    1. Aw, I'm glad you stuck to it Laura! Thanks for sharing your story with me:)

  10. Anna-you are AMAZING for writing this!!! I am so glad you don't let people get the best of you & let them intimidate you....you are a great blogger & I love everything you write about. I'm sure many blogger/youtubers have experienced this type of bullying & your message will be very encouraging. So glad we've become friends/penpals...always keep your head held high you are an amazing girl. Love you lil sis xx
