Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Interview: So Kitsch!

Hi Everyone!
Well, the last couple of days have been hectic for me as a blogger, getting emails and all that. BUT I'm back, and with an interview this time! I thought it would be a great idea to get advice from a shop that has just started for bloggers/businesses that are thinking of starting to, or are just curious! I interviewed the lovely owner of the facebook shop So Kitsch! By the title you can probably tell that she creates quirky little pieces, that are very cheap! Hope this is helpful or interesting for you, and if you want to get in touch with me for collaborating with me, if it's interviews, or anything to support your business (except giveaways, I'm working on something at the moment) then please comment under this post, or email me at fashiontips939@Gmail.com . I love to help new shops to get more of an audience, especially if they are unique in what they sell! Here are some bits from her lovely collection, all under £10!!

When did you set up your shop?

~September 17th 2012! 

What are your favorite pass times when you're not working on your shop?

~ My shop has to come secondary to my family, I have a 2 year old little boy and house to run. All my jewellery stuff is a night time thing, I do mumsy stuff by day. I'm a regular 23 year old, love beauty , fashion and pampering!! 

If you could collaborate with any other shop, which would it be?

~ My jewellery could look good with clothes from such stores as Urban Outfitters, H&M and Forever 21. 

What made you decide to set up your shop?

~ I have a pretty niche / different taste in jewellery, as well as loving the regular pieces of jewellery found in shops I always like something different, kitsch, unique .. So I made myself some pieces and thought.. Others may like these too! 

What's your favorite item/s from your shop?

~ My fave item is the Silver plated chain kitsch bracelet :)
(Pictured Below)

What's your advice to newly established businesses?

~ Always continue to research and NETWORK - I can't stress the importance of networking.

What are your favourite shops for this season (winter)?

~ Winter means my son's birthday and Christmas, so I find myself in Toys R Us, Boots, Next, h&m, debenhams.. The normal shops around Christmas! 
 I also love to shop handmade, there are some brilliant shops on Facebook doing Christmas things :)

And finally, where would you like to see your shop in ten years time?

~ In honesty, I don't know where my life will be in 10 years time, I'll be 33! So we'll have to see ! (that rhymes lol)

Thanks for reading and make sure to check out so kitsch! on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/SOkitschjewellery?fref=ts :)



  1. Great interview! Those hello kitty bits are cuteeee! X

  2. Nice interview love the bracelet it's super cute <3
