Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Adventures in Paris: Part Deux (Hiding from Group Photos + Getting Lost)

Hi Everyone!
I hope you are all enjoying your half term if this is your week, and if not, then like me you only have two days left until you can actually sleep in without missing your taxi (which might I add picks me up at 7:50am.. I try to be the best person in the morning as I can). Today I'm writing because I'm off sick from school and decided I would finish up writing my second and final post on my trip to Paris. Yet again I'd like to say a massive thankyou to my matie Leah who was great enough to take over 250 pictures during our stay in the city, and might I add they are pretty artsy too! So brace yourself for the final instalment of my travels to Paris, hope you like. 
On the Friday during our stay, it was probably one of my favourite days because although we started early in the morning, it was the day I was most looking forward to since that was the day we went up the eiffel tower! I've always wanted to actually go up the eiffel tower and see the views ever since I watched one of my favourite films which is 'Monte Carlo'. If you haven't seen it then it's about a teenager who's recently graduated her High School, and has been saving for years to take a trip to Paris with her best friend during her Summer. She then gets mistaken for a famous heiress who's spoilt rotten and a genuinely horrible person (she's supposed to be british, as all heiresses/posh people are in American films these days), and flies off to Monte Carlo, taking the weekly duties of  her 'twin'. Blah blah blah, very attractive french boy, blah everybody finds out, blah she doesn't get arrested because she's just faked the indentity of one of the most important members of the up and coming aristocracy, and she ends up with her dreamy french boy. Very teen rom com, and it's got Selena Gomez starring in it and a Gossip girl. What more could you wish for? Nuff said tots. 

But anyway after that great (and pointless) movie sum up, let's get back to talking about le eiffel. we went in the lift since it wasn't that busy that day, and we were given 15 minutes for each floor from our teachers to go and explore all areas of the levels, and take the time to do a lot of funny poses to snap. I took one with a bestie (Leah) on top of the tower and I must say we look like two little marshmallows...
I posted this on instagram as soon as we got back to the hotel so you might have seen it already, but we both agreed it's the cutest picture we have ever/ will take with another human being ever so it was very succesful. It was very windy at the top that day, but on the top of the Eiffel, it's really weird because one side is so windy you feel like you're gonna fall off (even though there are barriers literally around the whole thing) and the other side is completely fine, so it was very strange. We then took a bought ride where we saw a lot of the sights from the seine, and we went under all the bridges including the infamous 'padlock bridge'.
(Sorry this picture isn't very clear, it was taken zoomed in.)
Basically if you didn't know what the 'padlock bridge' represents, it's a bridge in the middle of the city, where lovers go to put a padlock on the bridge with their names on (apparently the kardashian did it recently) and it's absolutely covered in them, and the photo doesn't do it justice at all. Leah snapped this pic and I wanted to include it because the two men on the bridge are just looking at something on the other side of the bridge, and later on they were getting pretty close, so we assumed they were gay, and that's why I love this picture, in my opinion it's even cuter than if you took a picture of a straight couple on the bridge. Very adorable if I do say so myself.
The roads were mental as expected all over the city, and the drivers were absolutely insane. There were barely any markings on the road, so you were really free to go wherever you choose as long as you were heading the right way (and even sometimes the drivers didn't follow that rule). We took tones of group photos outside every single landmark we visited, so I hope you enjoy this little stream of some of the photos we took, in the order of which days we visited them.

I'm pretty sure there were about 6,000 of these babies taken throughout our trip, and I tried to hide in as many of them as possible, but unlucky for me I'm visible in all of these, so if you see a girl with a blue coat on and possibly a beanie, that's me. I look awkward in all of them, and sadly you can only hide behind people a certain amount of times until the teacher finds you out and makes you stand in the front. 
We went to the louvre the last day, and I really enjoyed it, yes we got stuck for an hour in one wing of the museum when all you had to do was walk out the way you came, but besides that it was great! The paintings were gorgeous and I really enjoyed looking around.
Leah managed to get me to take a picture with her outside the pyramid, and I really like this picture, although my height is clearly showing in this haha. It was actually huge, and before actually going to see it I thought that the pyramid was the exhibit, and not the building entrance, but the Pyramid is where you can enter and exit it since a lot of it is underground, which I've never seen before in an art gallery, so it was pretty cool to experience that. 

I really enjoyed my stay in Paris, and although we did a lot more than in these last two posts, I thought I'd only include the main bits that I enjoyed the most because I didn't want to bore you did I? Thanks for reading, and let me know what you liked most about these last two posts, or if you've ever been to Paris, and if so what were your favourite parts of the city?


  1. I went to Paris last summer and was astounded by its beauty! I loved reading your Paris posts and your pictures are lovely. Take a look at my own blog...

  2. I'd love to go to Paris! I'm not a big fan of heights so I'm not sure how much I'd like going to the top of the Eiffel tower though! These photos are lovely and I watched Monte Carlo yesterday for the first time, it was really good! x

  3. Fantastic post! Have just read the book I Heart Paris and combined with this post, all I want to do now is visit Paris! Haha :D

    Stylish England

  4. so jelly you went to paris i've been dreaming of going there for so long
