Wednesday, 20 March 2013

'The Original' Tangle Teezer Review

Hello Everyone!
So I caved and finally bought one of these beauties. I'm really behind when it comes to beauty products, even though I might know my stuff, I don't actually buy them till about 6 months later. I was searching around for the cheapest one and didn't really fancy getting one off ebay (just in case it was used) so I finally found one for £9.95 plus p&p on Amazon. Since my brother was going to use it as well and he hates having his hair brushed, it was a bonus reason to get one! So obviously I didn't go for the pink one, but when I received it the other day, I was really happy with the one I chose because it has glitter undertones in it!

So it came in this packaging, which I really like because it's showing how proud it is of it's nationality, but it's also quite a simple box, but the font made it look a lot more 'sophisticated'. But I'm not happy with how it arrived, the box was broken, so to take the pictures I had to sort of fold it into place, but luckily the brush wasn't damaged.

You can really see the glitter here, and I absolutely love it. The brush really surprised me because I thought it was going to be hard all over like any normal brush, but the shell to protect it is quite firm, and it's plastic so it won't shatter as easy. But on the other side the bristles are really weird, because when you press down them, they bounce back up again! When I brush your hair with a normal brush it tends to snag at the bottom, but with this you don't even realise you are brushing your hair, it's so light.

I would really recommend this to anyone because it's the easiest thing! I use it when I get out of the shower and bath, when I'm on the go, and before bed, but it's not really a morning brush really, in my opinion I feel a lot more comfortable to use a proper brush just so I get all the bumps out. I'd mostly recommend it to a mummy blogger who has trouble with their kids when brushing their hair (because I know from experience as a kid we all hate getting our hair brushed and fiddled with) they honestly feel nothing! And to back up that point even more I give you my 9 year old brother before and after photos!

Well doesn't he look handsome eh? I must say he can be quite a cutie from time to time. Thanks for reading, and I hope you make the right decision and go out and buy one of these!x

Before I go Just want to tell you all that you can still vote for me in the company blog awards under 'best teen blog' till April 10th!!!!! Which is oddly my 1 year blog birthday, an omen possibly? Anyway click HERE to vote, thanks to all of you for your support, I really appreciate and love you all for it xxx


  1. It's great if you have super long long hair that is weak too x

  2. I love the glitter!

    I recently found a Tangle Teezer alternative for just £1 check out my blog to find out where and my thoughts on it!

    Shannon x

