Monday 24 February 2014

Through A Woman's Eyes: Men's Worst Fashion Sins - Guest Post

Hello Everyone! 
Recently a very talented writer called Izzy Evans contacted me through email asking whether she could write for my blog. I'm always open to have guest posters so I was looking forward to what Izzy had in store for me, it took merely a couple hours before she got back to me with the post, and to be honest I was very glad she had contacted me! I absolutely love this post, I think that it's a great piece of writing, and Izzy should be very proud of it. So without further ado here's her post, let her know in the comments if you enjoyed it!
Not every man will get it right all the time, let's face it some of the hottest guys on the planet have got it wrong once or twice. The fashion industry is forever changing, what's hot today will not be hot tomorrow, however there are ways that you can reduce the chance of you making any fashion faux pars. 
Trust me, taking a few hints from a woman with be worth your while. Avoiding the following list of fashion sins and adjusting your wardrobe accordingly will put you on the right path to avoiding any major styling mistakes anytime soon.
*All images are courtesy of google images, I do not own any of these pictures.

O V E R  B R A N D I N G 
Designer clothing is totally worth spending your hard earned money on the item if your buying is worth the investment. You should only splash out if you are investing in a quality piece made to a high standard which fits you perfectly. Guys fall into the trap of over branding too easily these days, if you love the label fair enough but try and be discreet about it. Brands with flashy over the top logos are just a big no no!

C A N V A S  S L I P - O N S
Unless you're walking along a beach, the Caribbean canvas slip ons are a massive fashion faux pas. Firstly they are poorly made so they eventually end up falling apart, but most of all they get dirty incredibly quickly so end up looking scruffy. Women judge a guy by what they wear on their feet - bare that in mind.

P R O F E S S I O N A L  IN  B A C K P A C K S
We get it, backpacks are functional but they do not compliment a suit and tie very well. If you've moved from the newly graduated bracket to the professional world then it's time to ditch the backpack and opt for a leather messenger bag or briefcase. 

C L O T H I N G  T H A T  IS  T O O  B I G

Choosing clothing that actually fits you is crucial, no woman finds guys in oversized baggy clothes a catch.
Women want to be able to see a guys body shape - oversized clothing only hides this. When it comes to fit opt for body skimming clothing, this will show your physique off by complimenting your body shape and not hiding it.

O V E R S T U F F E D  W A L L E T S

There is nothing worse than seeing big bulked out pockets on a guy. Those bulges come in all the wrong places and it's highly distracting from the slick streamlined look you're aiming for. Opt for a slim wallet, ditch your old receipts, unused business cards and handful of coppers and only carry the necessities.
If your pockets are so overstuffed that they look like they're going for burst then it really is time to invest in a bag. If bags aren't your thing then you could opt for a blazer or jacket with pockets inside - this way you can carry those day to day necessities without comprimising on style.

Thanks for reading, I'll hopefully be posting again today, but let me know if you'd like to see more guest posts.

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