Sunday 1 September 2013

Excitement + Celebratory Starbucks!

Hi Everyone! 
So I can safely say that today has been one of the best days ever. As you all probably know if you follow my twitter, today I was featured in The Sunday Mail's 'YOU' magazine that they print on Sunday's, and honestly I was with some amazing bloggers that I would of never thought to be in the same article as. I've been very busy this past week getting stuff ready for year 10, only four years left now *yay* so I won't be posting as often and I'm terribly sorry, but as I say several times on my blog, education is important to me, and without it I most definitely won't get to where I want to be in the next couple years. 

Before I start this post can I just say (even though I've said it a million times it's not enough) a MASSIVE thank you to everyone who has supported me whilst I was a blogger, to my friends and family who have accepted me doing it and are proud of me for it, and to all the friends I have met through blogging. You are all the absolute best, and I don't know what I'd be doing if it wasn't for my little blogsters x

P.S Also massive shoutout to my main lady Tolly, you are gorgeous in every way and thankyou for bearing with me when I'm slow at things, and you are just the best friend someone could ever wish for, I love you bubby!!

My feature in 'YOU' magazine on the left, and on the right, what @Sprinkleofglitr (Louise) tweeted me after I spoke about her.

So it was a normal Sunday morning, (well it was actually gone 11am) and I woke up to see that my twitter had exploded with people messaging me and my facebook about someone tweeting me, tweets like 'OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE IT ANNA SHE TWEETED YOU' which is where I was thinking, 'is this my beyonce moment?' So I went online and saw that none other than Louise from the youtube channel 'Sprinkle Of Glitter' had tweeted me congratulating me on my feature, and quote calling me her 'Little E-Sister'. After almost passing out from fangirling so much because she is my inspiration, I through on some clothes, well a hoodie and some leggings, and headed out to my local shop to buy the Daily Mail. I was a very happy bunny.

My parents then decided as a treat they would take me to Starbucks since I am quickly becoming a wannabe hipster and tumblr girl, but the fruit toast sort of ruins the look. I had a cream based caramel frappuccino (not even sure if I spelt that right). Overall today was filled with food for me, and the occassional screaming, laughing, or sobbing fit.

I was also interviewed by the lovely Joni from Berry crumble, so if you also want to have a look at that interview you can read it here too. 

So this week has been genuinely amazing thanks to you lot, you all keep helping me along, and I am loving this rollercoaster ride that is teenage blogging. Peace out homies.


  1. Highway to Harry's D retweeted it? How dirty :P


  2. Aw congratulations! I came across your blog today through Joni's and I'm loving it, feel free to check out my blog :) x

  3. Ahh thats so awesome! Congrats! :)

  4. Congrats on the feature and getting a tweet from louise is very exciting! xo

  5. oh my god i'm so happy for you that's amazing anna :O :D


  6. Just found your blog from Louise! Have to say i'm loving your blog! Also your from Mid Wales? Me too! Haha! :) xx

  7. HUGE! congrats again. I'm loving your tweet from sprinkle of glitter, cherry on top! you and tolly are so sweet x
