Thursday 12 September 2013

Tolly Dolly Posh's 'Fashion Week Tag!'

Why hello beautiful people!
How is your week going? Today I was tagged by my best friend Tolly in her brand new and very interesting 'Fashion Week Tag.' Now I haven't done a tag post in a while, and to be honest I sometimes count them as fillers, depending what the topic is. But Tolly's tag is amazing, and I really love the questions, so shall we see what it's about? *She says having a blonde moment*

Have you ever been/ or have been invited to a fashion week before?
Sadly I haven't, to be honest I don't count myself to b experienced enough to go to a fashion show, but I have watched some online using livestreams. I think the last one I watched was the 'Rihanna for River Island' collection, and to be fair I don't really think it was worth the hype, and the clothes just looked like any other high street brand, but a lot more expensive and with Rihanna's signature 'R' logo on it.

If you could go to a fashion week, which season would you choose and where?
I love all the fashion weeks, they look really planned out and some of the collections are absolutely stunning, but I would probably have to go with London Fashion Week to support my home *ish*. Although, on the other hand I've always dreamed of going to New York, and going there to go to a fashion show would be a once in a lifetime opportunity for me, and if someone offered two tickets to me tomorrow, I would go without hesitation.

What designers show would you most like to go to?
I would definitely have to say Jean Paul Gaultier's shows. I blogged about them once way back in March over here and had mixed feelings about the show, but the more I've researched this designer, the more I've grown to love his other collections. He uses rich colours most of the time, and he never fails to shock me with things you wouldn't think would work, but do.

Would you rather be FROW (Front Row) or take a seat in the back?
Ever since becoming a fashion blogger it has been a massive dream of mine to sit FROW and I think I would make a lot of people proud if they saw me sitting there. As you all know I live in a tiny village in Wales, and I've never really fitted in, but if I get to FROW I would've accomplished something that completely goes against following trends.

If you were able to work at LFW, would you prefer to be a designer, a model, part of the press, or a V.I.P? 
First of all I would never want to be a vip by choice, if someone offered it to me I'd be fine, but I don't really like getting fussed over too much, since it does make me feel a bit anxious and trapped. And I also can't design or draw anything, tried and failed. I can't model and I'm not tall enough to be one probably, but I would love to be part of the press, it's my dream! I really want to be a fashion journalist when I'm older.

Sometimes you can get invites to the after ‘part-ays’, but you are only allowed to meet one model, one designer and one VIP/celebrity, in person. Who would you like to meet?: 
I would definitely take my idol Jennifer Lawrence, she would make me laugh so much I'd probably forget I was even in FROW with other celebrities all around me, and she's probably just make me feel really happy and like I was genuinely her friend. I'd also like to meet Eddie Redmayne, the most perfect human being to ever exist, I'm pretty sure he can count as my model, even though I've slightly cheated? But he also seems really friendly, and someone you would have a laugh with.

For your fashion week trip, you can only take five items with you, what are you going to pick?
I would definitely take my Iphone and my camera to keep you all updated on my various social networks, because I feel if I ever get into that sort of scenario I have to update you, but not a bad have to, an 'I want to because I have to' kind of way, wow, Anna's getting deep today. I'd also take my trusty notepad to jot down info about the show and the different outfits, oh and the celebs who are making an appearance. I'd take a bottle of water, just in case it gets stuffy in there, and just for fun, I'd probably take some sunglasses just to slightly mock some celebs who actually wear sunnies in doors *giggles*.

And finally of course, the obvious question, what will you wear?
So I have a slight obsession with Ariana Grande's dresses at the moment, and I just love how adorable she is, so I would probably go for something like this..

Ariana Grande at the KIIS 102.7 FM Hosts CD Listening Party For "Yours Truly" - photo:

I'd definitely go for quite a smart dress, maybe a monochrome one like she has here, and then just some classic white or nude heels, but I would definitely bring some back up flats with me as well.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed this post! I tag all of you to do this post, and leave me a comment below when you have finished and posted it! I can't wait to see all of your answers.

1 comment:

  1. Eddie Redrayne and Jennifer Lawrence, love them.
    And I love the outfit you've chosen, Ariana Grande is gorgeous! x
