Tuesday 8 October 2013

Where have I been: Life Update!

Hi Everyone!
Well hasn't it been a very long time since we last spoke? I basically disappeared for a while and even my best blogger friend and I didn't speak for a while, since I had a bit of work overload and with everything, I felt really bad for not keeping you updated with my life and why I'm absent, so how's about you and me sit down and have a little chat?

So a lot has happened in the past three weeks, the first massive thing I'd like to share with you is that I finally overcame my shyness to audition for my school's new musical, and I got a lead part! Since our show is more of a showcase, so I will be sharing the role of Tracy with a couple other girls, but I'm so excited to get up on stage. I don't get involved with choirs much in school, but I'm so glad I have this time because Hairspray is by far one of my favourite musicals.

So next up you all know that I have been practicing for my duke of edinburgh, well this weekend I finally passed it, and walked all 25 miles of it! It was such a great experience and I got to do it with my close friends (plus a boy called Calum who joined our team last minute) and they were the main part I went through with it in the first place! I am now very excited to go onto my Silver, and hopefully reach my level 2 in kayaking by the end of next year! I actually never thought at the start of the year that I could do this, but with my little nugget of a friend Elen who face it, had no idea where she was going but got us there somehow or the other, we go out for walks that are about 5 miles but end up walking ten because she forgets the way, or says that it's the 'short way'.

So hopefully I will be blogging soon after the work at school has died down, but till then my beautifuls, thankyou for sticking with me! X


  1. Just discovered your blog and it's AMAZING!! :D It sounded like you had loads of fun doing DofE :)
    Alice x

  2. Good luck with Hairspray- I've been in it too. Such a fun musical :D

  3. of course we'll stick with you <3

  4. I would love to do hairspray! Welcome back :) x


  5. You have been busy miss, but it'll be good to have you back!
    Massive congratualtions on these latest achievements! :)
